Json API Example

You will find below a simple example of Json API implementation based on a very simple Web Service.

Our Web Service will return a list of plants with a simple filter that lets you filter on Fruits, Vegetables or Aromatics.

Example App

You can Download an example App that shows how to implement various display modes from this API.

  • Case #1 For the first example, we display the list of plants as a media list with some action buttons at the top of the screen.
    The Action Buttons are linked to the JSON Repeater and will change the API Parameters dynamically.


    Repeater Settings (Tab 1)


    Repeater Settings (Tab 2)


    Result in Simulator

    The 4 action buttons on the top bar implement the API with the different parameters: https://www.thoriumbuilder.com/_demos/jsonapirest/ws_get_data.php?id=XXX

  • Case #2 This second example implements exactly the same JSON Repeater but with a Search  Bar instead of the JSON Action Buttons.


    Result in Simulator

  • Case #3 This example implements a JSON Repeater with a Collection View Mode (and a Photobrowser)


    Result in Simulator

  • Case #4 This last example implements a JSON Repeater with a "Custom Template" View Mode, including an Action Button that loads the detail page.


    Design Mode


    Result in Simulator

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